It’s been done before

Driving down the highway, minding your own business, and someone in front of you does something stupid. Runs a red light in a crowded intersection…passes you as a semi approaches in the other lane…blinds you with their brights 😐 But did you ever just wonder who those people are? Who would they call if they got in a crash? Think they’re like you, 2 arms 2 feet, parents, maybe siblings, they’ve made stupid mistakes, they’ve been through tough times…

We all want to know we aren’t the only ones who mess up or ask questions or wonder about things that others don’t. In this huge world with it’s billions of people, all different, there aren’t many things you can do that someone hasn’t done before. Sometimes that might feel like something to escape, to be different. But I know when I mess up it makes me not freak out so much to realize that someone out there has done the same thing. It’s not a brand new dilemma. It’s been done before, it can be done again.

So to all those moments when you feel like the biggest jerk or failure in the world. It’s not the end. It’s the beginning. Something new, a different puzzle, just for you. And thanks to that person who solved it the first time. It’s not impossible. (=