From the Outside

The issue of modesty. How we talk, dress, act, body language, and personalities. I used to think being modest was wearing proper attire but I have discovered that what you wear is only the tip of the iceberg. What is modesty? It’s a life style. It’s in every part of our lives that touch the […]

It’s been done before

Driving down the highway, minding your own business, and someone in front of you does something stupid. Runs a red light in a crowded intersection…passes you as a semi approaches in the other lane…blinds you with their brights 😐 But did you ever just wonder who those people are? Who would they call if they got in a crash? Think they’re like you, 2 arms 2 feet, parents, maybe siblings, they’ve made stupid mistakes, they’ve been through tough times…

We all want to know we aren’t the only ones who mess up or ask questions or wonder about things that others don’t. In this huge world with it’s billions of people, all different, there aren’t many things you can do that someone hasn’t done before. Sometimes that might feel like something to escape, to be different. But I know when I mess up it makes me not freak out so much to realize that someone out there has done the same thing. It’s not a brand new dilemma. It’s been done before, it can be done again.

So to all those moments when you feel like the biggest jerk or failure in the world. It’s not the end. It’s the beginning. Something new, a different puzzle, just for you. And thanks to that person who solved it the first time. It’s not impossible. (=

Ode to My Hero, My Dad

Do you have that one family member that you would give your life for but at the same time would happily strangle? Or maybe that other one that never ceases to amaze you? And even another that you’ve known your entire life but suddenly realize that they have a side you’ve never seen? Well I have all three of those. My brothers (younger and older) can be…difficult? To put lightly…and I’m not a saint either. I guess on a range of 1-10 older sister awesomeness I’m a 3, maybe. But then there’s my dad. Where to begin? He’s one the most under-appreciated people I have ever known or heard of. He’s one of the guys in the background who you don’t usually see except for the occasional announcement but never complains or asks for more recognition; yet without him the whole show would fall apart.

While I’m dreaming of the days with no school he never stops trying to learn. I take every extra ounce of time to check facebook or run or look out the window while he listens to podcasts and reads the books he got for Christmas (it was all he asked for). It amazes me. My daddy is unfathomable. I told him he should write a book once and he laughed and said “about what?” I told him “anything”. His reply? He would never be able to decide. Or find the time…mostly because, well, he’s helping everyone else. He is my perfect example of self sacrifice and love of learning. I mean I might go out of my way to pick up a piece of trash, but dad would pick up the trash, go to throw it away, notice the garbage was dirty, clean the garbage, then load all the other trash up and take it to the dump. I mean seriously. He’s superman.

Some young people think he’s scary. And I suppose he is if you’re an idiot and do something stupid or rude (we all do sometimes) and he gets frustrated. But you can’t blame him, the man works nonstop. In my opinion, dad is one of the best people you could ever look up to. Other people have heroes that overcame something tragic or risked their life to save someone. My dad is a hero because he dies to himself, every single day of every week of every month of every year, so that he can help others. Am I saying he’s perfect? No. I know he’s not; only one ever was or will be. But he is incredible. I honor him more than any other man. I don’t understand how he can do what he does. If I could be 1/10th of the person my daddy is, I could be president. (; Ok maybe not…but there’s a thought, dad probably would make just about the best president ever (=

When see you later is just as hard as goodbye

Saying goodbye is never easy…to many can be throw you into a pit of depression…but as much as it pulls your heart you just have to keep going. There is no pause button on life, and it’s short enough that there shouldn’t be. Yet sometimes it would be nice to catch your breathe. I imagine a man who’s been in jail for a long time gets out and feels like life has left him behind. Like those times when you’re walking with friends and when you stop to tie your shoe they get ahead of you. While your friends might wait till you run up, life won’t. So as I sit here at my window, watching my friend’s tail lights disappear out of view, heading back to a different state, I can’t think about goodbye. Or see you soon. Soon isn’t soon enough. But I can think about tomorrow, and spring, and summer, and vacation, and the nervous excitement of dipping my toes into freedom. (And when I say freedom I mean responsibility, controlling my life. A scary and glorious concept…) And maybe, I won’t ever have to think about goodbye, maybe I’ll just be OK till the next time my posse is in one crammed truck together, going into town blasting the radio. See you later implies there will be a waiting, for the later. Goodbye implies I might see you tomorrow, or never again, and there’s a complete “done deal”ness about it. Sometimes the pain of being separated from someone your heart is tied makes you want to cut those ties. And that’s what makes the choice hard…do I hurt whenever they leave? Or do I hurt this last time and never again? Thankfully I don’t have to make that choice myself, I couldn’t cut these ties even if I wanted. They’re diamond shafts connecting us, we can’t escape. But it still makes me wonder what would I do if, or when, I might have to decide? I salute you, adults, for making it look so easy…


People say life can change in a second and it’s true. There’s millions of seconds in our lives but only hundreds that change your life. When I was told one of my best friends was going to be moving in a few weeks it shocked me. I’ve known her and her family for my entire life and […]


Planning your day is crazy, insane really, if you live in a house full of people. But there’s always a way. If you estimate the time it will take you to do something then add a little more time than you think you’ll need it usually gets done. I cannot emphasize the need to start the morning right. On several occasions I overslept and messed my entire day up. However, I would suggest getting up early enough to get things done but not so early that your tired all day. Hopefully these 2 suggestions will help get your day done with time left over to clean that nasty fridge or finally start that book you’ve been ogling for months.


Instinct is a strange thing. Ever had the feeling you were in danger? Or someone was watching you? Suspiciously, admiringly, or just strangely? Perhaps an uncomfortable feeling? How can anyone explain it? How can malice be felt? Do the adams between two people move? If so how could you feel someone watching you in a crowded room? It’s so cool!

Low Cal Cookie for the wanna-be-naughty

Low Cal Cookie for the wanna-be-naughty

I love Googe:) I googled “Low cal cookie” one day when I began to crave cookies and I found simple low cal (really low cal) cookie with great reviews. I made them and I must say, they were goOooOddD! They did come out a little like miny cakes or spice-cookie tasting bread but that was fine. I used homemade applesauce for half the butter and my banana was frozen. But you couldn’t taste either fruit. Over all I give it 4-5 stars. Not bad for about 30 calories a cookie!!!


I’ve always thought time was a funny thing. Some people say, “Every moment counts so live it to the fullest” but then do that by clubbing and getting drunk? As a child things move very slowly and it takes forever to grow up, but when you’re older a week is nothing and you wish you […]